Thursday, November 15, 2007


Next week is my birthday and also Thanksgiving. I understand how the Holidays can be bittersweet. Tonia's high school friend, Wade, is coming to spend Thanksgiving with us which is wonderful! But the idea of Tonia not being at dinner is leaving me feeling lost, very blue and wondering how manu other people are feeling alone over the holidays.

I am thankful that we had her in our lives for 25 years. We would be starting to sing all of our favorite Thanksgiving songs by now. Christmas music would be playing on Thanksgiving Day especially Amy Grant's Christmas albums. Heirlooms was one of Tonia's favorite songs. We would sing it over and over together. Music will continue to be the link that binds my memories together.

As the holiday season begins I will remember the songs, the love and the memories and nothing will ever take those away from me. My prayer is that God will bless all of the people in our lives who have reached out to us in love.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with God's love and blessings!

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Pennsylvania, United States
Christian Mother, wife, & nurse. Love to read and love mentoring teenagers.


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